From students to organizers and parents alike!

Every person has something to say...


"After your talk today, for the first time in my entire life I was able to say out loud to one of my friends that I was assaulted. It happened a long time ago, and I have never told anyone. I always told myself it was insignificant. Today was the first time I ever said it out loud. Thank you for coming to talk to all of us... what you're doing did really help someone."

Student, Name Withheld for Privacy

"A few months ago you spoke at my school. What you said really affected me. It took some time, but you gave me the courage to finally leave my abusive boyfriend. I finally saw what I was going through and realized I deserved more. I hope you realize what a difference you've made for me, and I bet so many other students that day. Thank you..."

Student, Name Withheld for Privacy

"Hearing your story, I was in shock. I didn't know that there were people that go through the same thing I was. Sometimes I've thought maybe I would want him back because I have not met anyone here at college yet. But when I heard your story, I know that I will nevergo back to him. I never will be with someone who hurts me that way again. I want to do good for me, and as I tear up writing this, hearing your story tonight changed my life. I am so confident now. Thank you.."

Student, Name Withheld for Privacy

"I know you probably hear it all the time, but after hearing your story, I realized that my past relationship that ended in August was extremely abusive. I thought because I wasn't getting physically harmed that there was no way it could be abusive. It took me years to realize that this relationship was so harmful to myself and family."

Student, Name Withheld for Privacy

"I can not thank you enough for speaking to us tonight. Everything you said is stuff we see and experience here at school, and we don't know what to do or how to step in and help. The next time I see something going on in a social setting that is wrong or abusive, I will speak up. What you taught truly helped. You inspire me. Thank you."

Student, Name Withheld for Privacy

"I wanted to thank you. For over a year I have known about my friend being abused by her mom, emotionally and physically. She had been in the system before and was not going to let me or anyone else help her. It was horrible to see her and absolutely terrifying watching her fall apart. While you were speaking all I could think about was how scared I was for her. When you finished she looked at me and said “let’s go up” and I wouldn’t let her escape that. She has finally began to accept help. Thank you. You have saved her life."

Student, Name Withheld for Privacy

"You changed my life today. You have inspired me, I have been depressed since I was six. Self-harming at eight. I am still working on recovery, in fact I’m at a low in my life. But seeing you today, recovered, alive and doing what my dream is, gave me hope. I know I can make it out alive. Today in therapy, I tried and I’ve contacted other counselors also since you spoke. You have changed my life in so many ways. Thank you. One day I hope to be an activist for mental health. You have proven that it is possible."

Student, Name Withheld for Privacy

"My friends and I talked about everything you said all night... we all feel so inspired. Thank you. We talked and realized we all have been through similar things. Your story helped us to open up, and I feel like we can help more people now. We all don't feel alone anymore... we even want to do something about it like you have!"

Student, Name Withheld for Privacy


From delivering the keynote address at our biggest event of the year, to running an effective workshop session for our students - I have seen firsthand why Ashley is a leading speaker for youth. She delivers a powerful message that engages students, is relevant and memorable, and just as important, compels them to take action afterwards. I would recommend her to anyone!”

I have never heard a speaker's name mentioned so many times! ​We wanted our keynote speaker to start off the conference weekend strong and you exceeded all of our expectations! Over the weekend, I heard your name mentioned over and over again. You really helped break down a lot of walls, so thank you!


Our participants were so moved and touched by her story that they have asked her to come back and speak again and again... No one could believe that a woman so young, beautiful, and full of life had been through such a traumatic experience, and then gone on to find so much success.


Ashley was a dynamite speaker and presenter whose passion for helping others is clearly evident. Our members were enlightened and motivated to continue their work across the state to assist and advocate on behalf of victims of domestic violence. Ashley shared shared her first hand experiences as a domestic violence survivor and the ways she transformed her challenges into a positive empowerment message to others. Communication prior to the event was clear and timely. As the presiding officer, I would highly recommend this engaging​ speaker!


Ashley has my highest endorsement! I've had the privilege of working alongside her at several speaking engagements over the last year. When I decided to launch Difference Makers (10 Strong) to engage communities around the globe, she is the first person I sought out to partner with. In my humble opinion she has the vision, drive and determination to handle any task. She has the ability to read audiences, create a safe environment for sharing ideas, and possesses the necessary personal skills, empathy and passion to engage any type of audience – even the most seasoned professionals. Thanks to Ashley there are a few more difference makers in communities around the nation.

ERIC BARRERAS CEO/Founder, Difference Makers (10 Strong) / Training and Technical Assistance Manager, U.S. Center for SafeSport / Associate Board Member, End Violence Against Women International

Survivors with life-changing stories...

"I hope what I tell you makes your day brighter. Years ago, you ran an abused woman's group. I sat there knowing I would just go back to being abused... but you came in and reminded me and everyone there that we ARE worth so much more. It stuck with me and I kept getting stronger, having your words in my head. I kept growing and believing it until finally after some time it pushed me to believe in my worth and walk away. A short time after I went to the ER with head pain and found out I had about ten concussions. I was stunned it got that far, I could have died. I now live with some memory loss and post concussion trauma but I'm alive... I survived partly because of your words, thank you. Seriously, keep helping people. Sometimes the smallest thing said will help."

Survivor, Name Withheld for Privacy Child & Family Services, Inc.

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